Saturday, November 7, 2015

Here Comes Summer...!

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
- Lamentations 2:22, 23

We have survived another winter. Winters are not really that bad where we are--we don't have snow! Yehey! Still, winter is winter. There's the bitter cold, the struggle to keep oneself warm, the struggle to get out of bed in the morning to go to work, the problem of how to dry clothes without resorting to the dryer (and paying expensive power bills!), and so on and so forth.

Looking outside the window today, winter has become a memory. The sky is blue and the birds are chattering among the trees. The cherry blossoms have heralded spring weeks ago. However, it's not quite summer yet.

It's almost the same in life, isn't it? We go through different seasons. Some days we are in the middle of a cold wintery blast; other days we are basking in the summer sun. At one point we may have felt as if the last leaf has turned brown and fallen off the tree of hope.

I don't know what season you are going through in your life right now. But whatever it is, friend, I want you to know that God is faithful. He loves you and me. How do I know that? I'll talk about that in the next blog.

'Til then, look up... summer is not far away!!!

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